I’m not that mom with a clean house.

I’m not that mom with Pinterest worthy recipes.

I’m not that mom with kids in matching outfits, photo ready at any given moment.

I’m not that mom who cherishes every single moment of my kids’ existence.

I’m not that mom who volunteers for every single opportunity to support my kids’ extracurricular activities.

I’m not that mom who is able to do it all effortlessly.

I am that mom who chooses rest over constant cleaning (there’s no way to keep up with the mess these people—myself included—make).

I am that mom who cooks a few times each week (not everyone eats these meals anyway because sensory issues).

I am that mom who ensures that her kids have the clothes they need for every season (and WOW is it a full time job just keeping up with clothing because of the growing and the weather, etc.).

I am that mom who is present in the moment when I have the spoons (and even when I don’t, for the most part).

I am that mom who manages schedules and signs my kids up for activities (even if I cannot go the extra mile to support said activities as a volunteer).

I am that mom who does what I can when I can (and my capacity is limited).

Moms, dads, caregivers of any kind—we cannot be everything to our children, and that’s okay. I’ve realized that most of this parenting gig involves showing up, loving them unconditionally, and encouraging them to be their very best selves. If you’re doing that, you’re more than enough.

photo of me subbing for oldest kiddo’s class

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